Archive | October, 2012

Book review: Tropical and Subtropical Trees by Margaret Barwick

3 Oct

To leave this beautiful book on a coffee table would be an unforgivable insult to a horticultural masterpiece.  It is a book that needs to be picked up, read, used and referred to by anyone who considers themselves a gardener, either professional or amateur.  For landscape architects such as myself, it is an essential.

It is the first book to cover tropical and subtropical trees around the world in such depth.  The choice of trees bonded with wonderfully simple prose and glorious illustrations make it a pleasure to browse through its pages.  As both a talented artist and a born horticulturalist, Mrs Barwick weaves together practical advice and real uses of the specimen with charming stories of folklore and anecdotes from her own extensive travels.

This is a book for anyone interested in plants and their place on our planet.  When I’m working, I consider it my bible.

Margaret Barwick Tropical Subtropical Trees

Myself and Margaret Barwick, author of Tropical and Subtropical Trees, working together on the gardens at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands

Author bio

MARGARET BARWICK has spent more than 45 years as a hands-on gardener and landscape designer in New Zealand, the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Malawi, USA, France, and the BVI and Cayman Islands where she was involved in setting up their botanic gardens.  The culmination of all her work, this book reflects Barwick’s passion for the subject and her appreciation of what fellow gardeners, both lay and professional, need to know about tree selection for tropical and subtropical climates